In my group for Project 2, we got together and brainstormed ideas for the project. What we decided on was a site to find new songs and artists, as well as finding live concerts for those artists.
After the recent storm, I’ve been having to do a lot of catch-up with my classes, as a lot of them are packing more work into less time with the missed time.
Next week, I will continue to work more on the project for this class. We have split up the work, so that we can all get our parts done by the middle of the week, and then we can combine them by the deadline.
I read the paper, and I think that it sounds like a very helpful programming practice. I have not thought about working this way before, or the benefits of doing so, but I will definitely try to look out for this in the future. I feel that it will probably be hard to get into this habit, as just putting everything related into one class is often easier, but being in a group for this project will probably help with that, as other people can help each other out on this.
I did not have any experience before this class, so learning about it was new to me. Reduce in particular I found to be quite useful, and I will probably be using it in the future.
For me, the storm did not hit me too hard. I did lose water and electricity for a little bit, but only for a short while. However, I was able to go outside when it was snowing and got to play in the snow for a while, so that was a little bit of a silver lining.
This weekend, me and my friends started playing D&D, which was super fun. This is out first time, so we are all having a blast.
My tip-of-the-week is to meet with your group members often. So far, my group has been talking to each other a lot, and sharing information about what we’ve learned, and it has helped us a lot in order to get part 1 of the project done in time.