What did you do this past week?
This past week, my group and I finished part 2 of the assignment. We ran into some last minute issues the day the project was due, so we had to turn it in a day late, but we ended up getting everything working in the end.
What’s in your way?
Right now, a project is about to be due in one of my other classes, so I will have to spend some time working on that, as I’ve been putting it off in favor of my CS classes. I’ll have to make sure to not fall behind with the next phase of the project as well.
What will you do next week?
Next week, I will begin to work on phase 3 of the SWE project. As I am working mainly on the frontend side of things, a lot of the work will be polishing up the webpages to look and feel cleaner to use, as well as implementing the sorting and searching for our tables and grid. Our tables uses an existing template, so they should be simple enough, but we will have to create a searching function for our grid ourselves, which will take some work.
If you read it, what did you think of the Dependency Inversion Principle?
I think that the Dependent Inversion Principle was a good read for improving coding habits, similar to previous papers. The idea of making things depend on abstractions, and that higher-level components should never depend on lower-level ones is something that I need to work on more for sure.
What was your experience of +, *, ** and decorators? (this question will vary, week to week)
I had not really seen them before until class, as I had never worked with python before this class. It will probably take me a while to get used to working with them.
What made you happy this week?
I got my first COVID vaccine this weekend, so that’s pretty good. My next one is scheduled for a few weeks later, so I’ll be waiting until then. I can’t wait until we can go back to being able to spend time outside without worrying.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip of the week is that a lot of the time, somebody has already implemented what you want to before. In our project, we were having trouble creating a paginated grid, but after some searching, we found a template from ant-design, which saved us a lot of work.